Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Einstein mass energy relation:E = mc2, E is the energy released, m is the mass defect and c is the speed of light.
Electric current:The rate of flow of electric charge.
Electric field line:An imaginary curve tangent to which at a point gives the direction of electric field at that point.
Electric potential energy:The energy due to the position of a charge near other charges.
Electrical conductors:The materials that have free electrons and allow current to flow through them.
Electrical insulators:The materials which do not allow current to flow through them.
Electrical resistance:The property to oppose the flow of current.
Electromagnetic induction:The process in which current is induced in a coil whenever there is a change in the magnetic flux linked with the coil.
Electron volt:The energy gained by an electron when it passes through a potential difference of one volt, it is equal to 1.60 x 10-19 Joules.
Endothermic process:The process in which heat is absorbed.
Exothermic process:The process in which heat is evolved.
Escape Velocity:The minimum velocity with which an object must be thrown upwards so as to overcome the gravitational pull, it is equal to , where M is the mass of the planet and R is the radius of the planet.